Our Insurance Policies & Plans
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Top Insurances

Vehicle Insurance
Policy Assure is a one-stop solution for all your car insurance needs. We give you the best insurance service and assist at the time of insurance claims.

Business Insurance
Business insurance coverage protects businesses from losses due to events that may occur during the normal course of running the business.

Home Isurance
Home insurance offers coverage to a house and its content from unforeseen circumstances like an earthquake, fire, flood, storm, theft, burglary and riot etc.

Health Insurance
Health insurance protects you against the financial implications of a wide variety of health-related expenses from minor illnesses to critical diseases.
- Auto Insurance
- Life Insurance
- Health Insurance
- Home Insurance
- Business Insurance
- Commercial Insurance
- Education Insurance
- Marine Insurance
- Fire Insurance
Commercial Insurance
Commercial insurance is offered to commercial entities such as businessmen, industries etc. and provides cover for various business and related needs. Commercial insurance is a type of business insurance that offers solutions for industrial sectors including but not limited to construction, manufacturing, telecom, textiles, logistics etc. These solutions aim to offer a safety net for business operations and assets when the need arises.
Types of Commercial Insurance Policy:
Common commercial insurance types include property, workers’ and liability compensation. The types of policies depend on the business and most insurers will have special packages for businesses that fall under their solutions purview.
Property Insurance
This is one of the most common types of commercial insurance. The policies cover damages to your commercial properties. For instance, a fire damaging your office space will be covered under such policies.
Shopkeeper’s Insurance
This type of policy covers damage to shop buildings and contents, housebreaking, burglary, cash insurance, bicycles, signboards, baggage, personal accident, liability etc. as per policy wordings.
Marine Insurance
These policies deal with coverage for marine cargo risks for industries such as oil and gas, power generation, wind power, paper and pulp, steel mills, infrastructure, machinery upgrades and so on.
Liability Insurance
These policies are aimed at large multinationals looking to offset business liability risks in diverse locations around the world. The policy will typically cover bodily or personal injury and infrastructure damage, product liability, clinical trials, product recall, workers’ compensation etc.
Engineering Insurance
Engineering and construction covers are offered under such a policy. The policy covers defined engineering risk classes including oil and gas, power, heavy industries, constructions, transportation systems etc.
Energy Insurance
These policies offer flexible covers for challenging onshore and offshore industries and provide comprehensive cover including downstream, midstream and upstream assets and operations.
Employee Benefits Insurance
These policies will ideally provide health insurance coverage to employees of organizations such as group mediclaim or group personal accident plans.
International Insurance
These policies provide customized services that address cross border issues of companies while considering the fiscal and regulatory framework of the region where they are operating.
Plate Glass Insurance
The policy will cover damages to plate glass or store windows in the event they are broken.
Aviation Insurance
These policies typically provide cover for all types of aircraft such as small aircraft or private jets against disappearance, total loss etc. The policy also covers damages to equipment, tools or supplies of the company, apart from dangers arising out of war and other acts of aggression. Crew members are also covered under such policies.
Bankers Indemnity Insurance
These policies are aimed at banks and cover all branches of a particular bank in the country. The policies offer cover against cash or securities lost on-premises, in transit, forgery, dishonesty, hypothecated goods, registered postal losses and appraisers, among others.
Automobile Insurance
These policies cover damages or loss to commercial cars, trucks, vans or other vehicles as well as injuries to property or persons.
Commercial Insurance Providers in India are:
Major insurers offering commercial insurance in India include:
- New India Assurance (Public)
- Bharti AXA (Private)
- Bajaj Allianz (Private)
- HDFC Ergo (Private)
Child Plans In India
Parents in India want to secure their child’s future and hence they take life insurance plans that come along with investment plans. This will serve two purposes. One you can financially secure your child’s future and secondly finance for the major events in your child’s life. It could be for further studies, marriage etc.
Benefits of Child Insurance Plans:
If you take Life Insurance for Kids, you can benefit from the following:
- Life cover for the child.
- Build a fund for a child’s future needs.
- You can add riders to the plan.
- Death benefit and maturity benefits are paid.
- You can decide the premium amount based on the sum assured and the maturity amount that you choose.
- Policy terms can be taken depending on how old your child is. The policy term can be planned around the time you think that you require extra cash flow.
- Waiver of premium rider can also opt.
- Partial withdrawals are allowed as and when you need to meet your child’s educational requirements or for meeting other related expenses.
Who can take Child Life Insurance?
The policy can be taken by a person who wishes to secure their child’s future. The policy can be even taken if you want to plan for the child’s major events like higher education, marriage etc. In the event you die, you can know that your child’s future is not compromised and that your child will receive the best of the education and a grand wedding that you always dreamed of.
Popular Child Plans by Insurers
Life Insurance for Kids plans offered by various companies are as follows:
LIC Child Career Plan
Features and Benefits:
- This plan is designed to meet the educational and other needs of your child.
- Risk cover is provided on the life of your child during the policy term, this can be extended for another 7 years.
- Survival benefits is paid if the life assured survives the term.
- You can choose the sum assured, maturity age, policy term, mode of premium payment and the premium waiver benefit.
- Premiums can be paid yearly, half-yearly, quarterly, or through salary deductions.
- Premiums can be paid for up to 6 or 5 years.
LIC Jeevan Ankur
Features and Benefits:
- Death benefits are paid on the death of the assured during the policy term, on death of a child when the assured is alive, on the death of child or nominee afterlife assured’s death.
- Maturity benefit is paid along with loyalty additions irrespective of the survival of the life assured.
- Loyalty additions are payable on the date of maturity irrespective of the survival of the life assured.
- You can choose accident benefit rider and critical illness rider.
- Premiums can be paid on a yearly, half yearly, quarterly or on a monthly basis. The monthly payments are to be made through ECS only.
- The policy can be revived within 5 years from the date of the first unpaid premium.
- You can surrender the policy and a guaranteed surrender value is payable on single premium and regular premium policies. Single premium policies will get up to 90% of the premium paid. Regular policies will get up to 30% of the premiums paid.
HDFC Life YoungStar Udaan- Child Plan
Features and Benefits:
- Provision to meet academic expenses of your child.
- Provision for miscellaneous and extracurricular expenses that occur during college or school.
- Lump-sum amount is paid on maturity.
- Moneyback benefits can be availed.
- There are two death options that you can choose from. The classic option is when the death benefit is paid and after which the policy will terminate. Classic Waiver option is when the death benefit is paid but the policy will continue and the future premiums are waived.
- The policy premium payment term is 7, 10 years or policy term minus 5 years.
- You can choose the policy term as per your child’s future needs.
- Guaranteed additions are paid during the first 5 years of the policy years.
- Accrued bonuses are payable at maturity.
- Tax benefits are available under Section 80C and Section 10(10D) of the Income Tax Act, 1961.
Features and Benefits:
- Protect your child’s future.
- Fund your child’s education.
- Support your child to set up his own business.
- Helps you focus on your child’s development.
- Guaranteed periodic benefits are available.
- Maturity benefits include 25% of the sum assured, bonus and non-negative capital guarantee.
- Life cover is offered for the entire policy term.
- Tax benefits are available as per the prevailing Tax Laws in India.
- Max Life Shiksha Plus Super
- Features and Benefits:
- The coverage includes Family Income benefit and Funding for future premiums in the event the life insured dies.
- You can choose the policy term, premium payment term keeping in mind your milestone.
- You get a choice of 5 funds with different levels of risk.
- You can make partial withdrawals to meet expenses that are not planned.
- You have a systematic transfer plan and dynamic fund allocation to protect your investment against market fluctuations.
- In the event the life insured dies, you get a lump sum pay-out, family income benefit and funding of premium benefit.
- On maturity, you will receive a settlement equal to the fund value.
- Guaranteed loyalty additions are payable.
- Tax benefits are available as per the prevailing Tax Laws in India.
A fire insurance policy covers the financial loss which insured may suffer due to destruction of or damage to property or goods, caused by fire, during a specified period and up to the agreed amount.
The policy specifies the maximum amount, which the insured can claim in case of loss. This amount is not, however, the measure of the loss. The loss can be ascertained only after the fire has occurred. The insurer is liable to make good the actual amount of loss not exceeding the maximum amount fixed under the policy.
Complete your questionnaire to start your quote to see how companies compete for your business. You could save up to 25% on your Fire Insurance Policy just by comparing and selecting the right policy.
Coverage Includes
- Fire
- Lightning
- Explosion/Implosion
- Aircraft Damage
- Riot, Strike, Malicious Damage
- Storm, Typhoon, Hurricane, Tornado, Flood and Inundation
- Impact damage
- Subsidence and landslide including Rockslide
- Bursting and overflowing of water tanks, apparatus and Pipes
- Missile testing operations
- Leakage from Automatic Sprinkler Installation
- Bush Fire
Types of Fire Insurance Policies
- A comprehensive policy is also known as an ‘all in one policy and covers risks like fire, theft, burglary, third party risks, etc. It may also cover loss of profits during the period the business remains closed due to fire.
- A valued policy can be issued only for the properties where the Market Value cannot be ascertained for example Curios, Works of Art, Manuscripts, Obsolete Machinery and the like items, subject to the valuation certificate being obtained and found Acceptable by the Insurer. Under it the insured can recover a fixed amount agreed to at the time the policy is taken. In the event of loss, only the fixed amount is payable, irrespective of the actual amount of loss.
- The floating policy is a policy that covers loss by fire caused to property belonging to the same person but located at different places under a single sum and for one premium. Such a policy might cover goods lying in two warehouses at two different locations. This policy is always subject to an ‘average clause’.
- A replacement or Re-instatement policy is a policy in which the insurer inserts a reinstatement clause, whereby he undertakes to pay the cost of replacement of the property damaged or destroyed by fire. Thus, he may reinstate or replace the property instead of paying cash. In such a policy, the insurer has to select one of the two alternatives, i.e. either to pay cash or to replace the property, and afterwards, he cannot change to the other option.
- Specific policy is a policy that covers the loss up to a specific amount that is less than the real value of the property. The actual value of the property is not taken into consideration while determining the amount of indemnity. Such a policy is not subject to the ‘average clause’. ‘Average clause’ is a clause by which the insured is called upon to bear a portion of the loss himself. The main object of the clause is to check under-insurance, to encourage full insurance and to impress upon the property owners to get their property accurately valued before insurance. If the insurer has inserted an average clause, the policy is known as “Average Policy”.
Losses covered by fire insurance policy
- Goods spoiled or property damaged by water used to extinguish the fire.
- Pulling down of adjacent premises by the fire brigade in order to prevent the progress of flame.
- Breakage of goods in the process of their removal from the building where the fire is raging e.g. damage caused by throwing furniture out of the window.
- Wages paid to persons employed for extinguishing fire.
Losses not covered by a fire insurance policy
- loss due to fire caused by earthquake, invasion, the act of a foreign enemy, hostilities or war, civil strife, riots, mutiny, martial law, military rising or rebellion or insurrection.
- loss caused by subterranean (underground) fire.
- loss caused by burning of property by order of any public authority.
- loss by theft during or after the occurrence of fire.
- loss or damage to property caused by its own fermentation or spontaneous combustion e.g. exploding of a bomb due to an inherent defect in it.
- loss or damage by lightning or explosion is not covered unless these cause actual ignition which spread into the fire.
A claim for loss by fire must satisfy the following conditions
- The loss must be caused by actual fire or ignition and not just by high temperature.
- The proximate cause of a loss should be fire.
- The loss or damage must relate to the subject matter of policy.
- The ignition must be either of the goods or of the premises where goods are kept.
- The fire must be accidental, not intentional. If the fire is caused through a malicious or deliberate act of the insured or his agents, the insurer will not be liable for the loss.
Our Customers
A big thanks to the efficient team at Policy Assure which helped me buy the best policy, they gave me exceptional post-sales services too. I found a solution for all my insurance needs at the Policy Assure platform.
The best insurance company, I was amazed to see Policy Assure offering me the policy options of reputed insurance companies. I bought a plan from a leading insurer and the premium was also affordable.
I never knew buying insurance would be so easy and transparent at Policy Assure. I got online support and one-to-one assistance in buying the best insurance policy for my needs. I must recommend them for their service.
Getting a claim settled is no longer a hassle with Policy Assure help, their team helped me every step of the way to get the settlement of my car insurance claim within a week and I was being informed during every step they take.
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